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What is HTML 5 ?

HTML5, or HyperText Markup Language version 5, is the latest revision of the standard markup language used to create and design content on the World Wide Web. It was officially released as a W3C Recommendation in October 2014. HTML is the fundamental building block of web pages and web applications, providing the structure and layout for content on the internet.

HTML5 introduces several new features and improvements compared to its predecessor, HTML4. Some key features of HTML5 include:

  1. New Semantic Elements: HTML5 introduces new semantic elements like <header> <header>, <nav> , <section>, <article>, <footer>, and <aside>. These elements help structure a web page more semantically, making it easier for both developers and browsers to understand the content's meaning.
  2. Improved Form Elements: HTML5 introduces new input types and attributes for form elements, making it easier to capture user input and perform client-side validation.
  3. Local Storage: The Web Storage API provides a way to store data locally on the user's browser. This allows web applications to store information persistently even when the user closes the browser.